Old Apothecary Roses Oil Painting - Annie Domini

Old Apothecary Roses

Classic, alla prima original oil painting. Here old and new are poignantly juxtaposed.   The luscious fresh roses are set amongst the dusty old books and antique apothecary bottles. The style of painting itself is reminiscent of the Art Nouveau period. This still life will look exquisite in a dark frame on the wall of a study or a living room. Oil on canvas.

You may purchase an artist repeat of this painting in four different sizes.

How it works: This painting was sold, but you have the opportunity to order a very similar one. It will have the same key elements while still being unique and originally made for you. It takes about a week to paint it, plus some time to dry. I will send you an image of the completed work before posting it. Free shipping is included.


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